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New York Tax Levy Lawyer

tax levy in New YorkTax levies executed by the IRS on one’s financial resources can be a challenging situation to handle. This order implies that you have gone through the stressful experience of being unable to pay your tax debts for some time and enduring numerous IRS notices telling you to pay your dues.

You might think that getting a New York tax levy lawyer will only bury you in more expenses. But with Defense Tax Partners, a leading firm in the city specializing in tax debt and IRS issues, you can get the opportunity of saving more resources than you could without a trusted attorney by your side.

With our legal resources and extensive experience handling various IRS tax cases, we know we have what it takes to get you the best results for your tax levy case. You don’t have to handle this alone. You can trust our team of legal experts dedicated to providing aggressive, compassionate, and sharp legal advice, representation, and services to our clients. We look forward to working with you!

Call Defense Tax Partners at (212) 547-2630 for your Free Consultation!

Understanding IRS Tax Levies

tax reliefWhen a person fails to pay tax debt even after certain notices have been sent and enough time has passed, the U.S. tax agency, better known as the Internal Revenue Service, obtains the right to acquire the person’s property in exchange for unpaid taxes. This process of seizing a debtor’s property is called the tax levy as compared to a tax lien, which only refers to the legal claim to a debtor’s property.

The IRS can’t just take a person’s property once they incur tax debt. According to the law, certain events must take place before a tax levy is legally allowed. First, the IRS has notified the debtor of a notice and demand for Payment after assessing the person’s tax situation and finding out that the debtor did not do anything to fix the debt. Next, the person must have also received a final notice about the levy. If after 30 days have passed and the person has not done anything about the debt, then the levy will take place.

What a New York Tax Levy Lawyer Can Do For You

There are still things one can do to stop an IRS levy after you’ve received a notice of intent. These processes require a lot of negotiation, properly drafted proposals, and a good grasp of IRS laws and regulations.

Tax Attorneys

To ensure better chances of success in fighting a tax levy, we advise getting the services of a certified and highly experienced New York tax levy lawyer from Defense Tax Partners. We guarantee the full package of passionate legal services that will help you get the best out of your tax levy situation.

Applying for an installment, paying a lump-sum, or filing an offer in compromise—there are many methods to handle a tax levy, but it’s not easy to choose which one would be the smoothest road for your specific case. With a legal expert by your side, you can be sure that you’ll end up with a decision that works as it includes considering other options, factors, and information. You’ll know that your tax levy lawyer has thought about the various routes you can take and that the one you will choose is the best one for your case.

One of the most common methods to stop a tax levy is to negotiate installment plans. Online payments are allowed if the debt is under specific amounts, which is $50,000 for individual taxpayers and $25,000 for businesses. Otherwise, a regular installment plan must first be assessed and accepted by the IRS.

Other means involve negotiating with the IRS. One can do this by filing a request for a Collection Due Process (CDP) or Equivalent Hearing Appeal, which is a meeting with an IRS agent to talk about a payment agreement that satisfies both parties. Another option is to enter the Collections Appeal Program, which is typically faster than a CDP but strips away the debtor’s right to make further appeals in tax courts. Common payment proposals revolve around installment agreements, economic hardships or bankruptcies, discharge of the lien, or innocent spouse relief. On the other hand, if it’s not possible for the debtor to pay in installment, they can still apply for an offer in compromise, which involves the IRS agreeing to receive less than the original amount of debt.

Some methods may have easier processes but are harder to obtain or have certain vital disadvantages. There is no one best way to handle a tax levy. But with a trusted and proven New York tax levy lawyer from Defense Tax Partners, you know that whatever you choose, it will be the best for your financial situation.

Let’s Talk – Free Consultation

Attorneys Tax Relief logoAt Defense Tax Partners, we understand how overwhelmingly difficult it is to end up having to deal with a tax levy notice from the IRS. After a long fight of trying to make ends meet for your personal life or business, you still have to fight for your property, navigate through all the legalese in the IRS code, and figure out how to manage your limited resources to pay for the debt. Fret not, we are here to help you.

We guarantee compassionate and excellent legal services from our highly experienced New York tax levy lawyers. We will be there for you every step of the way, ensuring that you understand all the relevant details of your case. We begin with a free consultation with one of our legal experts so we can listen and assess your situation as close as we can. Call us today and get the best chance of getting your life back on track as soon as possible.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (212) 547-2630 for your Free Consultation!